15 Ways to Keep Weight Off After Losing It All – OWNSKIN

Yippie, so now you have reached your goal weight after several weeks of following diet programs on the Rati Beauty app! Now finally, people, friends, family, relatives, neighbours, and frenemies have started noticing a lighter version of you and compliments are showering from all quarters! At this point, you would not want to do anything that would sabotage the current weight and frame that you have achieved after immense hard work. Maintaining your ideal weight is still a bout if not a tough battle as losing all the extra pounds, and for some people, it is a constant struggle to not add up any extra kilos to their existing frame. By following the right kind of diet and exercise routine, one can reach their goal weight, but the task is hardly over since the body finds different ways to hoard all the lost fat. Certain studies done have found out that just about 20% of people who have lost weight are able to maintain their weight. Transitioning from the weight loss phase to the maintenance phase should be a breeze, where your weight remains stable throughout. Sustaining weight loss is all about making healthy lifestyle changes, and if you are not sure what to do next, we have listed down 15 ways to keep weight off after losing it all.

1. Transition out Slowly: Make a promise to yourself that you would not resume your old eating habits because they were responsible for making you overweight in the first place. Make healthy eating a part of your lifestyle and transition out from calorie deficit weight loss diet slowly, keeping tabs on the portion size and eating mindfully still.

2. Stay in the Support Group and Diet Program: Keep Following Rati Beauty Weekly Diets because these diets turn healthy diet habits into healthy lifestyle habits and you would not be regaining lost weight. You were in calorie deficit earlier to lose weight where in the undersupply of calories, the body would reach out to stored fat for fuel to run its daily activities, but since you no longer need to burn fat, you can eat a few extra calories, without overindulging or overeating. Also, exercise should a routine activity while you are upping the calorie intake. Remember, even with weight loss, you have to eat the right kind of food and not crash diet, the same policy applies for maintaining weight as well.

3. Include Protein in Every Meal: Protein has a thermogenic effect on the body, helps burn more calories, preserves lean muscle mass, and boosts satiety hormone “leptin.” Additionally, it boosts metabolism and curbs unnecessary cravings. Protein not only helps to lose weight, it helps maintain it as well. Make sure to  include a protein source in every major meal – here’s a list of 15 Best Food Sources of Lean Protein that can Help with Weight Loss.

4. Don’t Stop Portion Controlling: As mentioned above, do not stop portion controlling because it’s not only essential to lose weight, but also to maintain the current weight and to prevent lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. For portion control, do continue eating from small plates or bowls so as to prevent overeating. There’s also an amazing scientific study that states that your brain gets tricked and feels satisfied when you eat from a bowl than from a plate. You would feel full when you eat from a small bowl with the same quantity of food that you eat from a larger plate.

5. Eat Mindfully: Mindful eating helps you feel full with lesser amount of food on the plate. So, here are 9 Mindful Eating Hacks to Eat Right and Lose Weight.

6. Healthy Swaps: The most important change needed to lose weight, to get healthy, and to maintain lost weight is to swap unhealthy food in their diet with healthy alternatives. Here’s a list of 50 Healthy Food Swaps That Everyone Should Absolutely Try

7. Keep Food Journal: People who keep a food journal often find that jotting down every meal into a notebook helps them eliminate potential fattening and unhealthy food. A food journal also helps one set a food routine and reduce the frequency of snacking – all of these help to maintain their lost weight.

8. Keep One Hour for Exercise: Regular exercise, even if it is brisk walking, should be given a priority even after you have lost weight. Since you have upped calories and are no longer on calorie deficit diet, workout should be given its due importance to burn off excess calories.

9. NEAT activities: NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis and is the energy we use for everything we do in our day-to-day life except for when we are sleeping or exercising. Using the stairs instead of the lift, squatting on the floor to lift something up, walking while talking on the phone, every activity we do while being on our feet, comes under NEAT. All these activities help to burn some amount of calories and these bits of calories spent here and there, add up to a considerable amount when you are trying to lose weight. Read more about how you can include NEAT activities in your daily life here.

10. Find ways to De-stress: Emotional eating or stress eating is a situation where one eats to feel good and pleasant, to cope up with trauma, to relieve stress, rather than to satisfy hunger. Find different ways such as meditation, yoga, a new hobby to de-stress and most importantly, detach emotions with food.

11. Get 7 Hours of Sleep: There’s a direct link between weight gain and sleep deprivation. Without adequate sleep, you would put on weight without any doubt. AS we have mentioned previously too, poor quality of sleep is one of the major reasons for weight gain and obesity. In fact, if you desperately want to get rid of belly fat, just sleep tight in the night. Not having a sound sleep has a spiralling effect when it comes to weight and health – it reduces leptin (satiety hormone) level, increases cortisol production, makes metabolism sluggish, lowers fat-burning enzymes, increases level of the hunger hormone “ghrelin.”

12. Do Away the All or Nothing Attitude: It does not matter if you have not been eating right over the past few days because every meal is a new opportunity to get back on track. Do not go into the all or nothing attitude because it may lead to weight gain.

13. Become a Mentor to Somebody Struggling to Lose Weight: Help someone who is struggling to lose weight and inspire and encourage them to shed off extra pounds. Share your experience, eating habits, etc., so that you can prevent any weight gain in the bargain.

14. Grocery Shopping Mindfully: Your grocery list can determine up to a good extent whether you would lose weight or gain a few more extra pounds. If you want to maintain your current weight, it would be prudent to give grocery shopping a bit of importance. Check out 8 Grocery Shopping Mistakes that can hamper weight loss and why you should correct them immediately.

15. Weigh yourself Regularly: Do not keep away the weighing scale just yet. Keep tabs on weight fluctuations and weigh yourself every week if not daily. If you keep a track and monitor your weight, you would not put on any extra weight.

50 Healthy Food Swaps That Everyone Should Absolutely Try
Clever Ways to Eat Healthy Food to Lose Weight

The post 15 Ways to Keep Weight Off After Losing It All appeared first on Makeupandbeauty.com.

Yippie, so now you have reached your goal weight after several weeks of following diet programs on the Rati Beauty app! Now finally, people, friends, family, relatives, neighbours, and frenemies have started noticing a lighter version of you and compliments are showering from all quarters! At this point, you would not want to do anything The post 15 Ways to Keep Weight Off After Losing It All appeared first on Makeupandbeauty.com.

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